Sweet Thing SOLD OUT

17 - 23 November

Carmel Van Hoeven Solo Show Exhibition at Turua Gallery

Opening from 5pm Friday 17 November.

Online Pre-sale of selected pieces from 6pm Thursday 16 November through till 1pm Friday 17 November.

A firm favourite on our exhibition calendar, you like us are no doubt counting down till Carmels 2023 solo show.

Back at the gallery after an incredible event last year where Carmel exhibited a years work in one show and 63 pieces sold out in two hours on opening night.

We know some of you like to get here a bit earlier & wait to be the very first in the door the secure that piece you have been dreaming of & this year we are making it easier for you.

We are going to open our doors from 10am - 3pm for VIEWING ONLY*. This way if you decide you'd like to wait here for the opening, you can look through and enjoy Carmels latest collection at your leisure.

Then, at 7pm on opening night all works will be online and any unsold pieces will be available for purchase.

If you love Carmel's work and want to hear all the details of the show and presale as they are announced - head to the Subscribe button and tick to hear about Carmel van der Hoeven's exhibition details as they are updated.

 *Please do not be offended if you ask to purchase during the day and we say we can't accommodate you - we need to keep it fair, so Friday is 100% viewing only.

View Sweet Thing catalogue

