Meet Grant Kenny, a talented oil painter with a rich artistic background. His journey as an artist truly began in 1982 while studying at Elam School of Fine Arts. A part-time job at Artworks Foundry sparked his love for sculpture and the human form. Just two years later, this passion took him to Sydney for life-drawing classes at the Julian Ashton School of Art, and soon after, Grant had his sights set on Europe.
He spent the next four years in London and Italy, fully immersed in art. He painted copies at the National Gallery and attended life classes at Chelsea School of Art. During this time, none other than famous British painter Francis Bacon recognized his potential and encouraged him to keep pushing his craft—how amazing is that?
In 1989, Grant moved to Madrid, where he painted at the iconic Museo del Prado and studied at the Circulo de Bellas Artes. His talent led to numerous commissions, including one that granted him access to a private room in the Prado to copy Holbein’s Portrait of Sir Thomas More for a top Spanish lawyer. Madrid was also where Grant celebrated a major milestone—his first solo exhibition in 1993.
After his time in Madrid, adventure began calling to Grant yet again. After painting his way through North America, he returned home to New Zealand in 1994. Galleries throughout Auckland quickly recognised his talent, and he continued to shine in both group and solo exhibitions.
Now, Grant splits his time between New Zealand and Spain, both of which largely inspire his paint palette. Whether he’s painting figures or landscapes, Grant’s ability to capture vibrant colours and light so delicately on the canvas is astonishing! We are simply delighted to share some of his breathtaking works here in Turua Gallery.